Tuesday, March 12, 2013

where there is smoke, there is a Pope...

All of the recent hype about the former Pope Benedict XVI resigning, has creating a worldwide uproar, especially for "Cradle Catholics". I've heard things across the media like "No Pope, No Hope", or "No Pope No Rules". If you ask me this couldn't have come at a worst time, not to mention during Lent.  Throughout my life time I have have only witnesses one Pope in charge of the Catholic Church (Pope John Paul II). Attending Catholic schools my entire life, and preforming Catholic rituals may things have been deeply ingrained into my thoughts about the Catholic Church. All I have to say is, no one likes a quitter. I know this sounds completely ridiculous, but thats how I feel about the whole situation. I know that there were some underlying issues that prompted the current Pope to step down, but this is unheard of. Some Catholics were completely awestruck. This is the first time in 600 years for a Pope to resign. I feel as though this is the easy way out. I will however inform you what former Pope Benedict XVI will be doing, and where he will reside.  Pope Benedict XVI was first stripped of his solid gold fisherman's ring worn on his left ring finger. The Pope had to hand over his "ever coveted" red Prada shoes (which I may be somewhat partial to), all of the former Pope's vestments were removed and his stamps and seals were obliterated. Destroying all of Pope Benedict's stamps and seal will discourage others to follow Pope Benedict, thus creating a sect in the church for those who choose to still follow Pope Benedict XVI instead of the newly elected Pope. Benedict's personal butler will continue to serve him, as well as the new pope (that job sounds hectic). Benedict will be sent to a house in the mountain to live a life of solitude and prayer. There are 10 potential candidates to become the newest leader of the Catholic Church. I will share some of my own thoughts about the potential candidates in a later post. Now lets all hope for whit smoke!

Below is a picture of myself in front of the Vatican, while on vacation last summer.


  1. As a fellow Catholic, I understand, and have seen on first hand the concerns that you speak of in this post. YES! White smoke please soon. AMEN.

  2. I still do have my personal concerns about the issue though. While all Catholics are waiting for another leader to step up and lead the church, there is still issues that will concern the new elected Pope whoever he may be. I am a Catholic as well,and i think its very important that people should be keen observers in their own way to be critical about whats really going on in the Catholic church, whats going on behind those curtains, and what is the right thing to do. All these lies with the Catholics themselves.
