Tuesday, April 9, 2013

a Pope without Prada...

As many of you all may know, our newly elected Pope Francis is unlike any of his predecessors. Francis is a simple man who like the saint, has chosen to leave his life of wealth and excess. Francis kept his simple ways even as the leader of the Catholic Church. Francis left the luxurious vestments trimmed in fur behind as well has his sold gold fisherman's ring and the ever famous custom made red Prada shoes. I'm not going to lie, I shed a few tears when I heard the news. I wasn't so much sad that he  chose not to wear designer duds, but more or less breaking a tradition. Pope Francis is trying to make a statement by bringing the world back to their roots and leaving out excess and unnecessary luxuries. Change needed to happen, Francis has made a statement. I guess the only way for me to get over this time of mourning, is to simply buy a pair of red Prada shoes!

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