Wednesday, April 10, 2013

a slight hot mess...

This past Sunday as you all may know from my previous post was my 23rd birthday. Sunday was actually Easter Sunday, amongst other things. I hate to sound snotty, but sharing your birthday with the Lord's resurrection, really hard to compete with. By the way I have been referring to that lovely Sunday as "My birthday celerection". Not that my weekend wasn't special, it was just sort of rough clubbing on Good Friday, and being completely hungover on Holy Saturday. Thank God this Easter/Birthday mystery only happens every 10 years, ( by the grace of holy JesuĊ›, there was a leap thrown in there to keep this instance from happening on my 21st, as so planned). I was however pleased to see my entire family, even if that meant that my birthday gift was wrapped in Easter paper.
Here is picture of my lovely birthday cake.

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